Episode 3: Growing a Robust Local Food Web

In Episodes 1 and 2, Todd and Ryno offered meaningful reflection on what they call “The Watershed Way.” They explained that the Watershed Way was both an individual vow and a shared life way that seeks right relationship to place and people. For the next few weeks, Zach will be inviting Todd and Ryno to move from the realm of theory and philosophy to actual practices.

In this week’s Episode, Zach, Todd, and Ryno discuss the possibility of eating locally and within the limits of a particular place. As we will see, the vow of the Watershed Way requires that we ask difficult questions about our relationship to food and to each other.

Next Monday, we will host our 3rd live zoom session at 5pm MT. If you would like to register for that session visit taostilt.square.site. There you can learn more information about TiLT and contribute to their on going work.