TiLT’s Rhythms & Practices

From May to October, the TiLT resident and community allies get busy planting, building, and organizing.


We jump into wilderness, jump into harvest, jump into projects. Seasonal interns come for months at a time to join the residential community.

November through April, we go inward. We reflect, re-collect, dream and plan. We engage in deep conversations and relationship building, practice skills, and cultivate the roots necessary for sacred activism which emerges again with the spring.

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labor on the land

Three days a week we engage in shared efforts like farm labor, earth building, and permaculture projects. Sometimes we labor on our own site, but we often find ourselves planting and harvesting at nearby Taos Village Farm CSA or tending apple trees and making adobes at RYNO’s Center for Hope and Healing in Questa.


Food labs, local feasts, common meals and Game nights

Wednesday afternoons we host “food labs” open to the larger Taos community—a time to teach and learn cooking skills, share recipes, try bold experiments, and learn to cook with what’s in season. This is also when we dry, freeze, can, roast, juice and store food for the winter months.

Even though we each do our own work in the world, the TiLT residential community tries to share three common dinners a week. We tend to schedule our weekly resident check in on Monday evenings, and Wednesdays we often hold a game night—leaving several other evenings a week free for involvement in the larger community and dinners on your own.

Listen: Are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?
— Mary Oliver

COnscious conversations and unleashing scripture

Monday lunches provide a time for commuity “Conscious Conversations” based on short readings about social change or conscious living , while on Wednesday mornings we take an hour for “Unleashing Scripture,” sharing sacred readings from a variety of traditions, paired with social analysis. “How Then Shall We Live?” is the guiding question we pursue, each seeking to find a better way in a troubling world.