TiLT’s Roots & Wings Residency Year

Every year TiLT selects a few applicants for our year-long Residency program. Will you be one of them? Your TiLT Residency Year can begin in either May or August, and will center around six major themes:


1: innovative education

You’ll work two days a week as education support staff at Roots & Wings Community School, an innovative K-8 public charter located in a rural farm & forest setting in the mountains near Taos, NM. RWCS education brings together the head, hands and heart in adventurous, semester-long interdisciplinary Learning Expeditions. Check it out!


4:High Desert homesteading

From April to October you’ll practice the arts of homesteading such as seed selection, start planting, weeding, soil improvement, landscaping, harvesting, food storage, animal husbandry, creative cooking, baking, fire building, adobe brick making and earthen construction. We grow in our own greenhouses and fields, but also work in exchange for local food with two larger CSA farms nearby.


2: Wilderness Leadership

You’ll head out on your own wilderness trek, and learn basic camp craft skills…then you’ll get paid and learn how to prep, plan and implement youth backpacking and outdoor trips! Wilderness travel has always been a deep catalyst for personal growth & spiritual formation—experience it for yourself, then facilitate for others!


5: community service & community organizing

At TiLT you’ll join in service with us as we try to help folks suffering from the effects of displacement, homelessness, hunger, and poverty. You’ll also jump into community organizing with us as together we seek a county-wide transition to improved jobs with dignity, affordable housing, farm-to-school programs, water protection, better local food systems, renewable energy, and a plastic-free future.


3: personal growth

You’ll be joining a community of intention, surrounded by people who want to live conscious lives. You’ll be immersed in a mentoring incubator designed to provide a space for sustained personal and professional development, values discernment, and spiritual formation. Here you can examine your purpose, discern your call, explore unfamiliar concepts, test new lifeways, and unleash your potential.


6: sacred activism

Where are the places where your own great passion and the great needs of the world meet? There are your arenas of sacred activism, where spirit leads you to a place of personal change and social transformation. Sacred activism is prayerful, personal, public and political; it is the place where spirit and justice, compassion and courage meet. When you reside at TiLT for a while, we’ll meet you there.