Episode 4: Turning Waste into Walls

As we have seen, the Watershed Way is about seeking right relationship to place and people. That process adds a level of significance to everyday practices that we otherwise might consider mundane or insignificant, like throwing away single use plastics. The reality, of course, is that such things are not actually insignificant. In the case of plastics, the simple act of throwing it away will have lasting consequences for the ourselves, our land, and our descendants. Already, scientists are finding trace amounts of plastics in our body, presumably brought to us through the things we eat and drink.

When Taos decided it would no longer recycle plastic, and that it would instead throw it into the landfill. Residents were stunned. Those who followed the Watershed Way sought a different solution. When they learned that plastic could be compressed and used as insulation in stucco buildings, TiLT, somewhat happily somewhat reluctantly offered to give the effort a try.

On today’s podcast, we hear what Todd and Ryno have been able to do with plastic waste and how a new micro business was incubated and sponsored by TiLT in the nearby town of Questa. And we consider what the Watershed Way has to do with our waste.

On July 19th, we will gather again via zoom at 4pm MT to discuss this week’s episode as well as what it means to seek elegant problem. IF you'd like to register for that conversation please visit: taostilt.square.site. There you can also contribute to the work of TiLT and learn more about the Repurposing Plastic Project.

Our last podcast will be released on July 26th and our last zoom session with be held on August 2nd. More information for both can also be found at taostilt.square.site